Wholesome Mind, Body & Spirit

  • Feeling Stuck?

    Feeling Stuck?

    Know that it is perfectly okay to feel stuck at times. Things aren’t always going to happen exactly as expected. Nor will they happen at precisely the point anticipated. It’s fine to offer grace and kindness when stuck – give yourself permission to accept it. Once accepted then you can begin exploring it further. Feeling…

  • Mind of a Lion

    Mind of a Lion

    An interesting concept explains the difference between the minds of a dog and a lion. The idea is that if a person were to dangle a bone in front of a dog, the dog would be hyper-focused on the bone. The focus would be so keen that if the person threw the bone the dog…

  • Being Present

    Being Present

    The start of a new year is often fresh and exciting with outlook of a great year ahead. It’s usually when new goals are put in place, resolutions are made and new habits are adopted. The thrill of its newness offers a nice high that is ridden well into the middle of the month or…

  • Treat Yourself Kindly

    Treat Yourself Kindly

    A new year is often seen as a time of shiny newness. Yet without reflection the newness easily wears off and results in the same old experiences. Challenge yourself this year to treat yourself with kindness and love. Oftentimes people can find compassion for others in natural ways they often don’t when it comes to…

  • Assess Your Year

    Assess Your Year

    As it gets closer to the end of the year, many use it as a great time to try and wrap up things they want to accomplish before the next year. Some might even start to make plans for the things they want to accomplish during the next year. A year alone can bring many…

  • Become More Aware

    Become More Aware

    Self Awareness is an ongoing process. It is an ongoing journey. You can never reach a point where you become so aware of who you are that you no longer need to practice. On the contrary. As we grow in awareness of who we are, we become better able to reflect in various areas and…

  • Silence


    Silence is such a powerful thing. Yet rarely do we give ourselves the opportunity to experience it fully. As we move forward, so many different things begs for our attention that it only becomes harder to manage our time effectively. Texts that beg to be answered instantly; professional “productivity” apps that call for participation lest…

  • Mantra


    Have you ever experienced a scene on television or in real life, perhaps even your own, where you repeat a certain phrase to build confidence? This can be in a situation where you feel intimidated, lack confidence, or maybe you just need an extra boost. For example, you stand in the mirror and repeat a…

  • Manifestation


    A simple definition of manifestation is believing in yourself towards accomplishing goals or deices you have for yourself. It seems quite simple, and often can be, once discipline is maintained along the journey. Yet, starting out can be a bit discouraging, frustrating and even demotivating. This is because many times when we read about manifestation…

  • Got Tea?

    Got Tea?

    While tea is often considered a replacement for coffee, it has its own unmatched benefits. Its flexibility allows for consumptions both cold and hot, which can either be caffeinated or not depending on the type of tea being consumed. Most people have heard about green tea, mint tea and perhaps even camomile, but the variety…

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